sketch (bottom, yellowish) and final (top, blue) of one of the interior illustrations that hold a loose narrative for the Nadja cd booklet.
Pretty light on color washes--was trying for a more naturalistic watercolor vibe using Painter for the linework and photoshop for the blue washes.
Sketch shows early idea of having all the creatures build from illustration to illustration -- ultimately deemed that too children's booky for this project.
This one is for their cover of Elliot Smith's Needle in the Hay. Great version.
Real nice Matt. Reminds me of Jeff Smith's work, Very clean and precise. Where did the goose go in the final piece?
thanks mark
--my original plan for the cd art had a number of illustrations where as the band members ran into all these animals, they'd follow them to the next piece--if that makes any sense.
so you'd begin with one animal--and end up with a whole bunch by the last illo.
but it's a heavy band, and the style is already pretty unique for a band like this. i ended up thinking my original concept was a bit too children's bookish.
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